Changes for Venice, 0.71 beta 25/Feb/2007 ========================================= * Added support for downloading ASX quotes from * Updates to Usability: - Now warns if you try to import wekeend stock quotes. Stock quotes on weekends are not yet supported. * Watch screens are now saved as XML files in the user's home directory. This should make them easier to manage (e.g. backup). * Bug Fixes: - Can now work with volumes greater than 2147483647. - Graphing from context menu in watch screen now works (bug #1328197). - Importing quotes from Yahoo now works again. They changed the date format to one Venice couldn't parse. Changes for Venice, 0.7 beta 17/Apr/2006 ======================================== * Added multi-currency portfolio support (Andrew Leppard, Quentin Bossard) * Added support for currencies with greater than 100 subdivisions, e.g. Kuwaiti dinar which has 1,000 fils per dinar. * Portfolios are now saved as XML files in the user's home directory. This should improve performance when loading and saving portfolios and make them easier to manage (e.g. backup). * Internationalisation: - Catalan translation added (Jordi Pujol). * Tuning: - HSQLDB databases are now stored in binary format and are no longer fully cached in memory. This should improve performance and reduce memory usage. - Charting indicators, such as Bollinger Bands, is now much faster. * Library updates: - HSQLDB V1.8.0.4 from - MySQL Connector/J V3.1.12 from 3.1.11. * Bug Fixes: - User drawn lines now scale properly when graph is resized (Mark Hummel). Changes for Venice, 0.6 beta 23/Oct/2005 ======================================== * Added basic intra-day quote support. * Updates to Gondola Language: - Performance improvements due to stronger internal typing (Alberto Nacher). - Added sin() (Alberto Nacher). - Added cos() (Alberto Nacher). - Added log() (Alberto Nacher). - Added exp() (Alberto Nacher). * Updates to Paper Trade: - The current capital, number of transactions and start of paper trade now available to paper trade (Alberto Nacher). * Internationalisation: - Polish translation added (Benedict P. Barszcz). * Tuning: - Portfolio and Watch Screens now only load the quotes they use, previously they'd load the entire day's quotes. * Bug Fixes; - Can now import more than 200 days of quote data from Yahoo in one transaction (Dennis van den Berg). - Fixed a bug where the quote sub-system, when expanding the date range of a bundle of quotes, would attempt to re-load some quotes that were already loaded. - Venice no longer runs out of memory when importing very large quote files (>10MB). - Fixed a user interface bug where adding new equations to a table resulted in any present equation columns being removed and then re-added. - Fixed an introduced bug in 0.5 where you needed to reload Venice after importing new quotes. - Fixed a bug where the portfolio's percent change could be widly inaccurate. - Fixed a bug where sometimes an exception was thrown when removing a module frame. * Library updates: - HSQLDB V1.8.0.2 from - MySQL Connector/J V3.1.11 from 3.1.7. Changes for Venice, 0.51 alpha 13/Apr/2005 ========================================== * Bug Fixes; - Fixed a major bug where if the locale was not set in the preferences, the application crashed at startup with a NullPointerException. Changes for Venice, 0.5 alpha 13/Mar/2005 ========================================== * Added Jython macro support (Dan Makovec). * Chart Update: - Added the custom graph to allow users to graph arbitrary indicators using the Gondola language. - Improved look of Candle Stick, Bar & Volume Charts (Bryan Lin). * Internationalisation: - Can now specify the language to use in preferences (Alberto Nacher). - Swedish translation added (Pontus Str�mdahl). * Added Genetic Algorithms (Alberto Nacher). * Updates to Genetic Programming: - Can now specify window size in days. - Can now specify the buy/sell stock price (Alberto Nacher). * Updates to the Gondola Language: - Added ema() quote function (Alberto Nacher). - Added sd() quote function (Andrew Leppard, Alberto Nacher). - Added bol_upper() quote function (Alberto Nacher). - Added bol_lower() quote function (Alberto Nacher). - Added obv() quote function (Alberto Nacher). - Added momentum() quote function (Alberto Nacher). - Added implicit casting in the following cases: float x integer = float integer x float = integer for +, -, / and * (Alberto Nacher). * Updates to Stock Quote Support: - Added proxy authentication support (Bryan Lin). - Added HSQLDB (Hypersonic) support. - Maximum symbol length increased to 12. - Replaced file quote source with internal database. This makes Venice easier to use and removes the problem where the file quote source would not work if a file contained quotes from different dates. - Separated import and export dialogs to simplify interface. - Improved speed of internet import. - Venice now cleans up any dubious stock quotes, e.g. quotes where the day low is greater than the day high etc. - Venice now displays an import report with any warnings and errors encountered. - Added support for other databases through the JDBC driver field (Dan Makovec). * Updates to Usability: - Added Venice icon. - Mac OS X specific release. * Can now import/export preference settings (Alberto Nacher). * Licensing addtions: - User now asked to accept license at startup. - License viewable from Help menu. * Bug Fixes: - Paper trade and GP no longer sell, then buy back, the same stock on the same day (Alberto Nacher). - Fixed bugs preventing PostgreSQL support from working. - Venice no longer complains about not being able to find database tables if you try to load quotes before you have imported any. - Gondola. Venice now properly displays an error if the user specifies something other than a string when a string type is expected. - Gondola. Venice now properly displays an error if the user specifies a positive date offset in any function that accepts a date offset, e.g. lag(), avg(), min() etc. - No longer crashes if you input certain punctuation symbols in inappropriate places (e.g. "$" in symbol, date or number fields). - Fixed user interface display bugs under Mac OS X. Also under Mac OS X it now uses the standard, and better looking, progress bar. - Fixed portfolio import/export bug. Exported portfolio format has now changed and is not backwards compatible. - Fixed a bug where portfolios, watch screens and saved equations could unintentionally be deleted. - Fixed bugs in point & figure chart (Mark Hummel). - Removed numerous compilation warnings (Dan Makovec). Changes for Venice, 0.4 alpha 14/Aug/2004 ========================================== * Chart Update: - Graphs' parameters are now user configurable. - Separated graph views from indicators. Selecting a view now replaces the current view, instead of appending. - Added Bar Chart (Quentin Bossard). - Added Candle Stick (Quentin Bossard). - Added Exponentially Weighted Moving Average (Mark Hummel). - Added Point & Figure (Mark Hummel). - Added RSI. * Internationalisation: - The text is now fully internationalised. - Chinese translation added (Bryan Lin). - French translation added (Quentin Bossard). - Italian translation added (Alberto Nacher). * Portfolio Update: - Addeed percent change column to Portfolio account table. - Added portfolio table. - Can now chart the value of just the cash in a portfolio. - Can now chart the value of just the shares in a portfolio. - Can now chart the value of any single account in a portfolio. - Can now chart the number of stocks held in a portfolio. * Updates to the Gondola Language: - You can now specify just "close" instead of typing "lag(close, 0)". Simillarly for open, high, low & volume. So instead of typing "lag(close, 0) > lag(open, 0)" you now only need to type "close > open". - The offset argument is now optional in the lag(), min(), max(), avg() and sum() functions. So instead of typing "avg(close, 30, 0)" you now only need to type "avg(close, 30)". - Added rsi() quote function. - Added corr() quote function for finding the correlation between two stock quotes. * Updates to Genetic Programming: - Can now specify the probability of each symbol being created by the GP (Alberto Nacher). * Updates to Usability: - Multiple copies of the Importer Module will no longer be displayed. - Multiple copies of the Preferences Module will no longer be displayed. * Updates to Stock Quote Support: - Added experimental PostgreSQL support. * Updates to Watch Screen: - Can now graph an index of a group of any stocks (Mark Hummel). * Bug Fixes: - Fixed a bug preventing Portfolio deletion under Windows (Bryan Lin). - Fixed a bug when viewing a Portfolio created from a GP. - Fixed various graphing bugs (Bryan Lin, Andrew Leppard). - Fixed a bug when the paper trade could never afford to buy any stock. - The standard deviation calculation is now correct. - Percent change of stock value still wasn't quite right. Fixed. - When sorting by account name in the account table, the "total row" now always appears at the bottom. - Fixed a bug where downloading quotes from Yahoo would stop if there were no quotes for that day (e.g. the exchange was closed). - The application now handles importing empty quote files. - Limited precision of generated MetaStock quote files to prevent stock quotes like "24.00020014". - Words in the online help no longer run together likethis. Changes for Venice, 0.3 alpha 14/Mar/2004 ========================================== * Added internet quote download. * Added end-of-day Watch Screens. * Stored Equation Updates: - Redesigned stored equations preferences page. - The stored equations preferences page is now accessible from all equation combo boxes (by right mouse click). - Fixed stored equation list in equation combo boxes. - Can now add/edit/delete stored equations from equation combo boxes. * Table Updates: - Added "Find" feature to locate symbols in tables. - Equation column results are now displayed according to their type, e.g. 12, 12.0 & true. - Can now rename portfolios. * Updates to the Gondola Language: - Full support for variables. - Added constants. - Multiple statement programmes are now supported. - Added for() and while() flow control functions. - Calculations are now made using "doubles" instead of "floats" for greater precision. * Updates to Genetic Programming: - GP no longer progresses past generation 1 until breeding population size is large enough. - Higher performing individuals in breeding population now have a greater chance of breeding over lower performing indvidiausl * Updates to Usability: - Many minor GUI enhancements. - Symbols can now contain full stops, carets and numbers. Also the maximum symbol length has been increased to 9. - Preferences now remembers last preference page visited. * Tuning: - Massive speed improvements in GP and Paper Trade. - Reduced memory required to store quotes by about 25%. * Technical Updates: - Venice can now run on Java 1.5 beta. - Implemented new Money type to store cash values to fix precision problems. * Bug Fixes; - Fixed a bug where you couldn't import quote files on Windows. - Fixed a bug where if you displayed the equation results in a table with quotes over multiple dates, it would only display the correct result for a single date. - Fixed a bug where importing quotes into MySQL using MySQL's own driver failed [mm.mysql driver OK]. - Fixed a memory retention issue when importing a large number of quotes. - Fixed a bug where adding new symbols to the chart failed. - Fixed a bug where the preferences manager would only save the preferences on the visible page. - Fixed a bug where the preferencs page you selected would not always appear. - Fixed a bug where the GP wasn't mutating open/close/high/low types properly. Changes for Venice, 0.2 alpha 24/Aug/2003 ========================================= * Added Genetic Programming. * Updates to the Gondola Language: - Strong type checking between integer, boolean, float & quote types. - Creation of "true" and "false" keywords for boolean type. - Added date functions: day(), month(), year(), dayofweek() and dayofyear(). - Added maths functions: sqrt() and abs(). - Added sum() quote function. - Renamed day_open, day_close, day_low, day_high, day_volume to open, close, low, high & volume respectively. - Partial support for variables. - Now handles some run-time errors such as "divide by zero". * Table Updates: - Can now display each day's stock quotes for given stocks in a table. - Can now display any given day's stock quotes in a table. - Now displays correct percent change in stocks. Previously it calculated it as day_close/day_open instead of day_close/yesterday day_close. - Quote tables and Stock holding tables can now display point change. - Stock holding table can now display percent return and average cost. * Updates to Usability: - Windows Installer. - When importing quotes it now remembers the last directory specified. - Improved paper trade interface. - Sample quotes included. - Removed skinlf support and moved to Java native look & feel support. Under Java 1.4.2 or higher on Windows XP, Venice will now look like a native Windows XP application. - Equation viewer / editor dialog. * Updates to Paper Trade: - Can now paper trade multiple stock portfolios. - Number of days held available to paper trade. - Can now order stocks before trading. * Updates to Stock Quote Support: - Improved parsing of stock symbols. - Importing quotes can now handle quote files with headers and comments. * Tuning Support: - Reduced memory footprint of stock quotes by 30%. - Tuning Preferences Page lets you specify number of quotes cached. * Technical Updates: - Cancelling an operation now also cancels the underlying database transaction. - UNIX shell script now uses full path of Java to run Venice. Initial Venice, 0.1 alpha 13/Apr/2003 =====================================